product description
Master plant: Sempervivum tectorum L.
Crassulaceae (Stonecrop family)
Oleum Sedi
INCI: Sempervivum tectorum
The houseleek is widespread in Central and Southern Europe and grows on stony and chalky soil. The small enduring plant with an appearance similar to a small artichoke or cabbage possesses a dense rosette of succulent juicy leaves, that contain the curing agents.
Characteristics and substances:
The houseleek oil is an extraction oil (macerate). The fleshy leaves of the houseleek are extracted using high-quality soy oil and adjusted to a concentration of 5%. The plant leaves of the house root contain tannins, which have a high content of malic acid, slimes and alkaloids.
The houseleek is an old remedy that was used to treat corns, burns and haemorrhoids. The housleek?s sap was used to relieve eye complaints and lichen. The oil is applicable only externally and particularly suitable for pediatrics (teething children & earaches).
Not intended for consumption!